Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ergonomics (Easy-To-Use Multi-Purpose Hook)

The product is multi-coloured, in orange, yellow and green. It can be stored in a curled shape which takes up much less space than if it was unfolded. When unfolded, it forms a "Y" shape, and 2 different things can be jung on the hooks.

The design considerations are space taken, quality and colour of materials used.

No, the elderly would not have problems using this product, as it can be easily folded and unfolded, and can be placed in many locations.

I added extra hooks to reduce the number of pressure applied on each of the main hooks, and a hook at the top to hang onto nails or protruding objects of walls. There is also a detachable towel hanger where towels can be hung. There are rubber grips on each of the hooks and the towel rack to increase friction and stop the load from falling off.

The hooks at the top are layered in the middle of the spinning wheel, and the rest of the hooks are surrounding them.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ergonomics II

-Usage of resources to maximise the production of goods and services.
-Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
-Using minimum time to complete maximum productivity.
-Reducing the amount of energy used to do something.

-Measure of output from a production process, per unit of input.
-Amount of work done in a particular period of time.

-The condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types of consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered non-desirable.

-Deals with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, and with the creation and appreciation of beauty.
-Closely related with the philosophy of art.
-Studies new ways of seeing and perceiving the world.
-Relies on our ability o discriminate at a sensory level.

-A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.
-Consolation for grief and anxiety.
-Something that gives satisfaction to its user.

Reference from: and

Ergonomics 1 - 3

What are the consideration that should be taken into account when designing a workplace that is suitable for the user.

The type of work done.
Amount of space.
Distance between user and computer screen.
Proper lighting.
Health. (Posture of user etc.)

Ergonomics 1

1. Compare the 2 different workplaces, state your observations.
Workplace 1 is cluttered while workplace 2 is organised.
In workplace 1, the man has to struggle a lot to get things adjusted appropriately, and he needs to adapt to different situations quickly, and he also feels uncomfortable while in workplace 2 everything is convenient for the man, and he can do things without much trouble.

In workplace 1, the items in the area are not suitable for doing work for long periods of time, and the man is often distracted by the discomfort he feels and tries to make things easier for himself. In the second workplace, everything is easy for the man, as he does not have to make major adjustments to the things around him and everything he uses is space-efficient.

The man in workplace 1 feels uncomfortable in his chair, he gets very restless and since the chair cannot lean back, his back gets sore after a long period of time. He has to bend over often. The man in workplace 2 is able to lean back in his chair, and thus he would have more comfort while doing his work. He can sit straight up in the chair, and does not need to bend forward. The man in workplace 1 needs many lamps to provide proper lighting for doing work. Sometimes, the lamp gets too hot and he cannot adjust it properly. The man in workplace 2 has a lamp which can be moved easily and does not get too hot for him to hold. He can move this lamp to suit his needs, and move it away when he does not need it.

2. Which workplace is preferred? State with reasons why one workplace is preferred over the other.
The second workplace is preferred, as the items there are made to adapt to the needs of the man, and

3. What are the considerations that should be taken into account when designing a workplace that is suitable for the user?
4. Why do you think that Ergonomics is important when designing?